Theorem. let $C$ be a category then the section preorder of $Hom$ is the $J$ preorder of $C$.
Proof. let $m: a \to b$ and $n: c \to d$ be morphisms in $C$. Then for $m \subseteq n$ in the section preorder of $Hom$ it must be the case that there exists an ordered pair: \[ (i : c \to a, o : b \to d) \in C^{op} \times C \] \[ o \circ m \circ i = n \] This is precisely the definition of $m \subseteq_J n$. It follows that the $J$ preorder of $C$ is the section preorder of $Hom$. $\square$
This constructs the overall morphic preordering of a category $C$ from its hom copresheaf $Hom : C^{op} \times C \to Sets$. There are two other morphic preorders associated with a category $C$: the $L$ and $R$ preorders, both of which are suborders of $J$. These can be constructed by restricting the hom bicopresheaf $Hom: C^{op} \times C \to Sets$ to certain wide subcategories of its index category $C^{op} \times C$. This is the subject of the following lemma.
Lemma. let $F : C \to Sets$ be a functor and let $S \subseteq C$ be a wide subcategory then the section preorder of $F_S$ is a subpreorder of the section preorder of $F$.
Proof. let $(t_1,x_1) \subseteq (t_2, x_2)$ in the section preorder of $F_S$ then $\exists m : t_1 \to t_2 \in S$ such that $F_S(m)(x_1) = x_2$. But since $S \subseteq C$ we have that $m : t_1 \to t_2$ in $C$ such that $F(m)(x_1) = x_2$. So $a \subseteq_{F_S} b$ implies that $a \subseteq_{F} b$, which means that the section preorder of $F_S$ is a subpreorder of that of $F$. $\square$
We can use this lemma to construct the specialized $L$ and $R$ preordering on the morphism set of a category as subpreorders of the $J$ preorder produced by the Hom bicopresheaf.
Theorem. let $C$ be a category and $Hom : C^{op} \times C \to Sets$ its hom bicopresheaf. Then the output action preorder $L$ is the the section preorder of the restriction of $Hom$ to the wide subcategory with only output actions and $R$ is the section preorder of the resrtiction of $Hom$ to the wide subcategory containing only input actions.
Proof. if $m: a \to b \subseteq_L n: a \to c$ this means that there exists $o : b \to c$ with $o \circ m = n$ which is the same as saying there is $(1_a, o)$ in the wide subcategory of $C^{op} \times C$ with only output actions. Similarily for the right preorder $\subseteq_R$, so the $L$ and $R$ preorders are formed by the section preorders of restrictions of the hom bicopresheaf. $\square$
This produces an interpretation of the morphic preorders of a category $C$ that is much more suitable for our purposes. We can now define the morphic preordering of $C$ to simply be the object preordering of the category of elements of the hom functor. We have now two types of preorders on a category, both of which are object preorders of their respective categories:
- The preorder on $Ob(C)$ is the object preorder of $C$.
- The preorder on $Arrows(C)$ is the object preorder of the category of elements of the hom functor.
Hom functor
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