Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Swing HTML gallery

Swing and HTML are alike in a number of ways. Both are used to create graphical programs. Swing is based upon the Java beans component model, whilst HTML is based upon standard markup. Java beans encapsulate Java objects that are like nodes in an XML document. This is formalized by the XMLEncoder class of Java SE. Java beans properties are like HTML attributes. Swing's pluggable look and feel is like CSS.

The two frameworks differ in their original purpose, however. HTML emerged to extend text documents with hyperlinks, while Swing from the start was created as a full fledged graphical application framework. HTML's strength is in its hyperlinks and in creating rich text documents, so it has its own role to play. With the Swing HTML technology of Java SE you can get the strengths and benefits of HTML in your Swing applications.

To add HTML to Swing applications simply create a JEditorPane and set it to uneditable. Then set its editor kit to a HTMLEditorKit from the Swing HTML package. Editor panes are mainly used to view HTML rather then interact with it. There are two exceptions though, as you can use Swing to listen for hyperlink events and form submit events. Otherwise, your interactive components should not be part of an editor pane. Ten simple examples will be provided to demonstrate the cool things you can do with HTML in Swing.

1. An unordered list

(def unordered-list
     [:li "This is " [:b "bold"] " text"]
     [:li "This is " [:i "italic"] " text"]
     [:li "This is " [:u "underlined"] " text"]
     [:li "This is " [:strike "striked"] " text"]
     [:li "This is a " [:sub "subscript"]]
     [:li "This is a " [:sup "superscript"]]
      [:font {:size 9} "This is "]
      [:font {:color "#00FF00", :size 9} "green text"]]
      [:font {:size 6} "This is "]
      [:font {:color "#FF0000", :size 6} "red text"]]
      [:font {:size 3} "This is "]
      [:font {:color "#0000FF", :size 3} "blue text"]]]]])

An ordered list

(def ordered-list
    [:h2 "Java history"]
      "Java 1.0"
       [:li "AWT"]
       [:li "Base"]]]
     [:li "Java 1.1"
       [:li "Java beans"]
       [:li "SQL"]
       [:li "RMI"]]]
     [:li "Java 1.2"
       [:li "Swing"]
       [:li "CORBA"]]]
     [:li "Java 1.3"
       [:li "Java sound"]
       [:li "JDNI"]]]]]])

A description list

(def description-list
     [:dt "AWT"]
     [:dd "The original Java GUI toolkit."]
     [:dt "Swing"]
     [:dd "A GUI framework with its own pluggable look and feel."]
     [:dt "JavaFX"]
     [:dd "A modern replacement for Swing."]]]])


(def java-image
     [:img {:src ""}]]])


(def clojure-image
    [:img {:src ""}]]])


(def hello-world
    [:h1 "JVM programming"]
    [:h2 "Java programming"]
 "class HelloWorld {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
     System.out.println(\"Hello world\");
    [:h2 "Clojure programming"]
 "(prn \"Hello world\")"]]])


(def quote-example
    [:h2 "Famous programming quotes"]
    "Alan Kay speaking on Lisp"
    [:blockquote "Lisp isn't a language, it's a building material"]
    "Rich Hickey on persistent data structures"
    [:blockquote "If you write a program that uses persistent data structures, you'll be able to sleep at night. You're gonna be happier. Your life is gonna be better."]]])

Swing HTML comparison

(def swing-html-comparison
      [:th "Swing"]
      [:th "HTML"]]
      [:th "Component model"]
      [:td "Java beans"]
      [:td "Markup"]]
      [:th "Styling mechanism"]
      [:td "PLAF"]
      [:td "CSS"]]]]])


(def html-buttons
    [:h1 "Buttons"]
    [:h2 "Ordinary buttons"]
    [:input {:type "submit" :value "Button"} ]
    [:h2 "Toggle buttons"]
    "Checkbox" [:input {:type "checkbox"}]
    [:h3 "GUI toolkit"]
     [:input {:type "radio"}]
     [:input {:type "radio"}]]

    [:h3 "JSON library"]
     [:input {:type "radio"}]
     [:input {:type "radio"}]]]])


(def forms-example
      [:td "Name: "]
       [:input {:type "text"}]]]
      [:td "Password: "]
      [:td [:input {:type "password"}]]]
      [:td "Send to:"]
        [:option "Oracle"]
        [:option "Microsoft"]]]]]
    [:br ]
    [:br ]
    [:textarea {:rows "6" :cols "25"}]]])
External links:
Swing HTML package

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