Each paradigm has its own merits. Logic programming is used in artificial intelligence systems to create logical models of a number of domains and even entire ontologies and knowledge bases. Functional programming is typically a better model of computation then logic programming, which gives it a greater degree of practicality.
What these two paradgims have in common is their origin in the basic structures of mathematics: sets and functions. Instead of describing computation imperitively through a combination of side effects and control flow, functional and logic programs use the basic structures of mathematics as building blocks of programs. Their commonalities mean that it is possible to unify these two paradigms under a single umbrella.
It had never occurred to me that topos theory could provide the framework for the common unification of functional and logic programming paradigms. It is such a simple idea the basic structures of logic are defined by the topos $Sets$ and of functional programming are defined by the topos $Sets^{\to}$ that this has to be the right way of doing things. In the other direction, any implementation of the fundamentals of topos theory is going to have to be in a functional logic language.
Logic programming
The basic object of a logic programming is a predicate, which is a computational generalization of a set. In the place of functions, logic programming languages focus on relations which can be queried both backwards and forwards. This means that logical languages don't have the forwards directionality of functional languages.
This is a significant disadvantage when performing computations, which also have an element of time directionality. Logic programming languages like Prolog nonetheless have a niche use as a part of some artificial intelligence application that model domains using ontologies and semantic networks.
Functional programming
A natural solution to the limitations of logic programming languages like Prolog is to use a functional programming language. There are two issues that need to be resolved for any functional programming language: (1) how can we provide logically models of information in the language (2) how can we reason logically about functions themselves in the language.
The first issue can be resolved to some extent by tacking on a logic programming library to the language, which is fairly common. This is not an elegant solution but its just good enough in most cases. The second issue can only be resolved by topos theory which is the indispensible tool for reasoning logically about the functional structures of abstract algebra.
Sets and functions are not so different after all
In order to produce a functional logic synthesis, we should first ask is this worthwhile at all? Some things are genuinely different and so cannot be susceptible to unification. Yet topos theory tells us that sets, which are the building blocks of logic programs, and functions, which are the basic building blocks of functional programs, are not so different after all.
The commonality between sets and functions is that they are both members of topoi. Therefore, they have all the same common features of any topos object: subobject and quotient lattices, products, coproducts, initial and terminal objects, morphisms, epimorphisms, monomorphisms, isomorphisms, etc. A number of common methods can therefore be defined for both sets and functions.
The functional logic synthesis
Now that we have provided sufficient motivation for the functional logic synthesis, all that remains is to implement it. In this synthesis of functions and logic, each object will be associated with its own fundamental topoi:
Logic programming | $Sets$ |
Functional programming | $Sets^{\to}$ |
Interfaces will be defined that contain methods for dealing with any topos object, like products, coproducts, etc and those should be implemented by both sets and functions, and then these same interfaces should be extendible by users who want to work with other topoi.
Topoi as models of declarative programming:
As a result of this approach, we see that topos theory provides a fundamental framework for declarative programming, just as it provides the foundation of mathematics. To each declarative subparadigm we associate a topos that it is focused on. This applies to the most basic paradigms like logic and functional programming, and it opens up a
The ultimate conclusion of this unification is that there is no reason to have separate and incompatible declarative programming languages like Lisp and Prolog, and so it is possible to unify them under a single umbrella with common semantics for logic, functions, and other declarative programming components.
There may still need to be separate languages for imperiative programming like Java and C#, that can deal with lower level issues of the virtual machine. But there is no reason that these imperiative programming languages nonetheless cannot run on the same virtual machine as the declarative language of the future.
Topoi as models of computation:
We have briefly discussed how topoi provide new foundations for declarative programming. Another interesting direction, is how topoi can be used to provide mathematical models of abstract computation. The foundation of this approach is the mathematical logic of dataflow analysis of functions provided by topos theory.
A central issue in computer science is the locality of computation, which is a consequence of the spatial distribution of computers. Corresponding to this idea of the locality of computation, topos theory provides a way to define the local effects of functions. Topos theory, which emerged from efforts in algebraic geometry, is now also the key to mathematically defining the geometry of computation.
Sketches of an elephant volume one
Peter Johnstone
Sketches of an elephant volume two
Peter Johnstone
Topoi: the categorical analysis of logic
Robert Goldblatt
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