In order theory, it is customary to embed posets in boolean algebras. It would be nice if topoi could play the role of boolean algebras in category theory: then preorders, monoids, and other categories can be embedded in elementary topoi. This is a vast generalisation of the representation of posets by set systems in order theory.
Order theory:
There are two fundamental ways of representing posets by embedding in $Sets$: (1) each element $x$ can be represented as a singleton sets $\{x\}$ with each $x \subseteq y$ represented by the unique function of singletons: $\{x\} \to \{y\}$ and (2) given a set theoretic representation (such as representation by principal ideals) each element can be represented by a set and each edge can be represented by the unique corresponding inclusion function.
Monoid theory:
Every monoid can be represented by its self-induced actions. Let $M$ be a monoid, then its left action $l : M \to Sets$ defined by $l_x(y) = xy$ is clearly a monoid action, and it is faithful because $M$ is a monoid. Self-induced actions on a semigroup don't need be faithful. As this equally well applies to groups, this reproduces Cayley's theorem from group theory.
Category theory:
The Yoneda embedding in category theory just generalizes the representation by self-induced actions in monoid theory. The interesting thing is this embedding $h : C \to [C^{op}, Sets]$ embeds any small category $C$ into it a set-valued functor topos, so it is safe to say that small categories are simply subcategories of elementary topoi. There are now two topos theoretic aspects of categories: (1) topos embeddings and (2) topos constituents of a category.
[1] Yoneda embedding
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