Theorem. it is a necessary condition for any finite permutations $p,q$ to commute with one another for $orbit(p)$ to form a unary congruence of $q$ and for $orbit(q)$ must be a unary congruence of $p$.
Proof. We will start by showing that $orbit(q)$ is a unary congruence of $P$. We have for all $x$ that $p(q(x)) = q(p(x))$. We have that $q(x)$ is invariant under $orbit(q)$ so it follows that $p(q(x)) = p(x) [Q]$. This means that action of $p$ keeps $x$ and the application of $q$ to $x$ in the same $q$ orbit. To get that $[Q]$ forms a unary congruence of $p$ now let $x,y$ be two elements that are in the same $q]$ orbit so that $x = y [Q]$. Then as $x$ and $y$ are in the same orbit of a finite permutation there exists some $n$ such that $y = q^n(x)$ by repeated application of $q$. As $p(q(x)) = p(x) [Q]$ simple induction shows that $p(q^n(x)) = p(x) [Q]$. By simple substitution this means $p(x) = p(y) [Q]$ which shows that $orbit(q)$ is a unary congruence of $p$. Dually, for $q$ with respect to $p$. $\square$
This shows that permutations effect different pieces of information represented as partitions. In certain cases, we will show that commutativity is simply a special case of independence in lattice theory. Actions that operate independently of each other and don't effect each other with respect to the lattice of partitions $Part(A)$ commute with one another. Although this is a necessary condition for commutativity, it is not sufficient. In order to complete our understanding of permutations it is necessary to consider two special cases:
- Repeated actions
- Independent actions
Independent actions have more interesting properties. Perhaps the simplest example of independent action is the commuting pair of permutations (0,1)(2,3) and (0,2)(1,3). Consider that you can represent 0,1,2,3 as 00,01,10,11 in binary. Then (0,1)(2,3) is a flip of the least significant bit and (0,2)(1,3) is a flip of the next most significant bit. The commutativity of (0,1)(2,3) and (0,2)(1,3) is stating that flipping independent bits commutes. This is in fact the simplest case, but it can clearly be generalized to any operations on independent elements, even if they contain millions of bits. As long as the operations operate completely independently of one another they will commute.
The partitions {{0,1},{2,3}} and {{0,2},{1,3}} even form a direct product in the lattice of partitions $Part(A)$ separating the elements into two separate bits of information. Likewise, ((0,2,4),(1,3,5)) and ((0,3),(1,4),(2,5)) produce {{0,2,4},{1,3,5}} and {{0,3},{1,4},{2,5}} which are direct products of one another. They independently flip a bit of information and cycle through the remaining bits of information and so they commute. The fact that they are unary congruences of one another's orbit means that they operate independently of one another.
Centralizer of the symmetric group: we can now form the centralizer of a permutation in the symmetric group by $\vee C_i \wr S_j$ which is the subgroup join of the wreath product for each regular component of the permutation. The repeated actions are responsible for $C_n$ and the independent actions are responsible for $S_n$ in the wreath product.
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