Classes can be defined in Lisp flavored java using the full extent of the different features of the Java virtual machine, like access flags, types, and so on. Although Clojure does provide a genclass interface it doesn't deal with access flags and all the functionality of the java virtual machine, because the language wasn't designed to be Java with parenthesis like this one. Here is an example of a Hello World class, which is one of the simplest things you will see programmed in Java. One notable aspect of this program is that it uses .
in order to invoke an initialization method, which is something that probably hasn't been seen before quite like this. This can be used to initialize this or super with the appropriate arguments and it will be produce the appropriate invokespecial instruction.
(class public HelloWorld
(method public V <init> []
(.<init> super))
(method public static V main [(arr java.lang.String) args]
(.println java.lang.System/out "Hello world"))
Well is the one special type of instance method whose invokation . may not be familiar the on the other hand the class initializer is a static method used to initialize the class so it can be used to deal with certain aspects of programming in the Java virtual machine. One of the reasons that this syntax is possible is that Lisps in general including Clojure allow the tags to be used in symbol names. Note that the message doesn't need to be clarified because static variables and static methods are imported throughout the class by default just like Java.
(class public Message
(field public static java.lang.String message)
(method public static <clinit> []
(setf message "Hello World"))
(method public V <init> []
(.<init> super)))
The importation of static methods allows for you to implement static recursive functions that can call themselves. The most obvious example that comes to mind is the factorial function so that will be demonstrated here. Its also worth mentioning that type inference is supported in the exact same manner as in Java, which is that it is supported for local variables. Type inference cannot be supported for methods and their return values, because it is necessary for us to know at compile time what the signatures of the methods of the class are in order to do self reflection.
(class public FactorialHelper
(.method public V <init> []
(.<init> super))
(method public static I factorialIterative [I n]
(var rval 1)
(var i 1)
(while (<= i n)
(setf rval (* rval i))
(incf i 1))
(method public static I factorialRecursive [I n]
(if (= n 0)
(* n (factorialRecursive (- n 1))))))
Here is one more example that better demonstrates some details like dealing with constructors, and using this in order to deal with fields, methods, and things like that on it.
(class public Point
(field public I x)
(field public I y)
(method public V <init> [I x I y]
(.<init> super)
(setf (.-x this) x)
(setf (.-y this) y))
(method public I getX []
(.-x this))
(method public I getY []
(.-y this))
(method public V setX [I x]
(setf (.-x this) x))
(method public V setY [I y]
(setf (.-y this) y)))
Hopefully these few examples demonstrated some of the functionality of the Lisp flavoured java language system, which is directly translatable to Java bytecode with appropriate instructions, access flags, and so on. This is now a pretty full description of the capabilities of this language like its data operations, modification procedures, control flow, and class syntax. This language can be considered to be essentially Java with parenthesis, which makes it ideal for programming on the Java virtual machine.
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