Map, reverse, and transpose are paralell operations whose targeting scheme is dependent upon the shape of their argument. For example, here is the targeting scheme generated by the map operation on a list whose shape (or size) is 3 with respect to func:
{(nth 0) func
(nth 1) func
(nth 2) func}
On the other hand, reverse operation runs swap operations in parallel. With respect to a list of size five, the reverse operation runs two shape operations leaving the middle unchanged
{(list-places (nth 0) (nth 4)) swap
(list-places (nth 1) (nth 3)) swap}
Here is the transpose operation on a matrix that is shaped like [[0 1 2] [3 4 5]]:
{(list-places (nth 1) (nth 3) (nth 4) (nth 2)) (shift 4)
(list-places (compose first dimensions)
(compose second dimensions)) swap}}
The transpose operation is much more complicated then the others because it also reverses the dimensions of the grid.